Sundays at 9 AM
YouTube at Bethany and Emanuel
307 3rd St. NE
Elkader, IA 52043
Thursday 9 AM to Noon
Bethany and Emanuel’s weekly virtual service continues to premiere on the Emanuel Lutheran ELCA Facebook page at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. Afterwards, the service can be viewed from both the Bethany Church Elkader and Emanuel’s Facebook pages and on the YouTube page, Bethany and Emanuel Lutheran. Listeners can also call in at 11:00 a.m. to hear the service via Zoom. Contact us for connection information.
Worship at Bethany
At Bethany Lutheran we worship weekly with a lively, low-pressure service on Sunday mornings. . It usually lasts around an hour. We celebrate open communion every Sunday, which means anyone who has been instructed can take communion, no matter what type of church you associate with.
We have a great pastor, and great music leaders, and we always sing loudly. We do not always sing well. New voices can only improve the situation, so join us.
Bethany is an open, accepting congregation that promotes social justice and welcomes everyone regardless of racial, sexual, or gender identity. This is a small town church—we're more interested in who you are than how you are labeled.
If you have trouble getting around, that's alright. Our worship and fellowship area is entirely handicap accessible. The front door is wheel chair accessible, and the back door has a stair lift to the sanctuary.
We also have EARBUDS for the hearing impaired and large print worship materials.
You can call ahead if you have any questions or would like help getting around. Our usher will be happy to give you a hand.
You can read this guide for specific logistical advice on getting into the building and participating in worship if you have physical limitations. The guide also includes info for parents with young children.
Bethany is situated on the top of a hill on the north side of the Turkey River, and can be easy to miss if you aren't looking for it. There is a gravel parking lot behind the church, or you can park on the street in front.
Here's where it is on the map. We also have a printable guide.
Elaine Diers, Secretary
office phone: 563-245-1856
email: bethanychurch@alpinecom.net
Church Council
President - Curtis Ruhser
Vice President - Dennis Eberhardt
Secretary - Marie Weber
Treasurer - Steve Clausen
Council Member -Penny VansCoy
Council Member - Ron Bossard
LAy Worship Leaders
Accompanists -, Martha Bauder, & Kathy Garms
Choir Director - Kathy Ruhser
Parish Secretary - Elaine Diers
Financial Secretary - Connie Ruhser