Congregational Letter —3/16/2020

 To Members of Bethany Lutheran Church, 

We have entered into a time of uncertainty. The coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) pandemic requires that we consider how we can best live with realities that endanger people’s lives. We trust that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) We pray for God’s guidance because the day-to-day choices we make affect not only ourselves in this time of trouble, but also our neighbors.

A pandemic task force with members from both Bethany and Emanuel Lutheran congregations has met and decided that we will move to non-physical gatherings March 16 – March 31, 2020. At that time the decision will be reevaluated with regard to the current situation. This includes all Bethany/Emanuel gatherings – worship, Sunday school, mid-week Lenten programing, circle meetings, quilters work sessions, and any other church meetings. 

Instead of gathering in person, we will be “gathering” in non-physical ways via radio, phone, or online options. Instructions for accessing these “gatherings” will be shared as soon as plans are made. We will find ways to continue to support and care for one another. Your continued commitment in making offerings and generosity with financial gifts will make it possible for us to keep doing ministry together and will be welcomed through the mail, direct deposits through your bank, or other online banking options. Just call your local bank to make arrangements. 

As we choose to reduce our physical contact through church for the sake of the most vulnerable among us, namely those who are over 60 years old with underlying health conditions, we need to be responsible in all our life choices. Frequent handwashing (with at least 20 seconds of lathering up) is the most important thing we can do to help prevent the spread of any virus, including COVID-19. Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care. 

We live in a time of constant and relentless news coverage and social media. There are all kinds of sources, qualified and not, putting out information. We need to respect the disease and should be relying on reports through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Iowa Department of Public Health for the most up-to-date and accurate information. 

Limiting physical contact does not mean eliminating social contact. We are putting plans in place to care for the needs of our congregation and community. We are in the process of organizing groups of people who are able to provide support for those impacted by illness and quarantines. We are exploring ways to offer food or resources to anyone who needs help with this in the community, which will include making stops at places like the grocery store or pharmacy to pick up needed supplies. Specific plans for doing these things will be communicated to the community as soon as possible. For now, members should contact the church office if they are in need of help or pastoral care, as well as if you can help with care for others.

Preventative measures do not always offer measurable results. You can’t document what doesn’t happen. If we don’t take precautions, however, the results will be only too obvious. In life-threatening situations, we don’t wish to take any avoidable risks. The changes we are making for the sake of the common good are not easy or convenient, but they are temporary.

Our prayers continue for God’s guidance, presence, and mercy in the midst of all that is and is to come. And in the words of scripture, “Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” (1 Peter 3:8)

In Christ,

Rev. Susan Friedrich & Vicar Amalia Vagts

Actions Related to Worship and Community Life at

Bethany and Emanuel Lutheran Churches

March 15 – March 31, 2020


The U.S. Government and health experts around the world are recommending immediate actions that reduce the spread of the new coronavirus. Making changes now will “flatten the curve” of the disease. This will slow the rate of infection over a longer time period. This reduces the number of people who are sick at the same time, giving doctors, hospitals, police, schools, and vaccine-manufacturers time to prepare and respond without becoming overwhelmed.

According to experts, we cannot wait until there are cases close to us. We need to make preparations now. There are growing numbers of cases in Iowa, including in our area (Allamakee County). We all have a responsibility to take measures that help care for our neighbors and protect the vulnerable.

We will look at this in phases.

We have been in PHASE #1 with changes to our worship practice (no hand-to-hand touch, offering plate in one location, only communicant touching individual communion cups) and increased care of the building. After March 15, 2020 we will be moving immediately to Phase #4.


Physical distancing in place. For this phase we would continue worship in person, however, we would no longer offer fellowship or gatherings with food.

Specific recommendations for this phase are that we would:

 Continue to offer midweek and Sunday worship, but use physical distancing.

Discontinue gatherings with food including Sunday fellowship time and Wednesday Lenten meal.

Serve communion with bread only.

Discontinue hymnal use and project and/or print all worship materials in the bulletin.

All other paper materials (Bibles, hymnals) will be removed from the sanctuary.

Disinfect high touch areas daily. 


Move to provide online or other “distance” worship options for the community. Encourage all teams, committees, and nonessential gatherings to meet via phone (or Zoom/Google Meet) if possible or postpone gatherings. Encourage all members who are over 60 with underlying health issues or are pregnant to remain home. Staff will work remotely or in the building. The building will remain open to the public.


In the event that our congregations decide, because of current conditions, not to physically gather, we will move all worship services and activities online, on the radio, or via video. Offer online Sunday school if possible. The building will remain open to the public; however, hours are subject to change.


If there is a known case of COVID-19 within our Bethany and Emanuel communities, the building will be closed immediately for professional cleaning. Working with public health, leadership will follow guidelines for communicating with the broader community and mobilize a proper quarantine. The impacted building will be closed, and worship will be on the radio and/or online.